The Great Snack Showdown Voting Campaign - Term's & Conditions

Terms and Conditions governing “The Great Snack Showdown Voting Campaign”  

The following terms and conditions (“T&C”), and all subsequent revisions or amendments made from time to time by The Golden Duck Pte Ltd (“TGD”), without prior notice, shall apply to the “The Great Snack Showdown Voting Campaign” (the “Campaign”). 

Campaign Period 

1.1 The Campaign shall last from 31 August 2020 to 20th September 2359HRS (the “Campaign Period”). 

Campaign Eligibility 

2.1 Subject to the T&C, any individual (the “Participant”) is eligible to participate in the Campaign held during the Campaign Period. 

2.2 The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Campaign: 

  1. a) Employees of TGD and their immediate family members and/ or relatives living in the same.


  1. b) Any vendors, partners or any other individuals directly involved or connected to the Campaign and their affiliates and subsidiaries; 
  2. c) Employees, directors or contractors of clause 1.2 (b) and their immediate family members and/or relatives living in the same household.

2.3 A Participant’s failure to provide true, correct, and accurate information when participating in the Campaign shall automatically disqualify the said Participant from the Campaign. 

2.4 Participants must be responsible for providing complete and accurate contact information to TGD and to the organisers. TGD accepts no responsibility for any inability or failure to contact the participants arising from inaccurate or incomplete contact information. 

2.5 A Participant who votes one (1) time on the TGD Campaign website, fulfilling all the requirements as stated in this T&C, within the Campaign Period, shall be entitled to one (1) entry in the Campaign. 

2.6 A Participant is allowed to only vote once per day. 

2.7 Multiple entries within the same Campaign Period are allowed, provided that different entries are submitted. 

2.8 All contents of the campaign, where applicable, shall become the sole property of TGD and each Participant’s participation in the Campaign shall constitute the Participant’s irrevocable agreement and consent to allow TGD to use the contents and any or all of the personal data as provided by the Participant for all or any future promotional, marketing and publicity events conducted by TGD and/or for developing mailing lists which may be used by TGD's business partners to inform the Participants of any future news, promotions or offers. 

2.9 If a Participant is below 21 years of age, that Participant shall obtain the consent of his parents or guardian prior to taking part in the Campaign. TGD reserves the right to request proof of the aforesaid consent in a form acceptable to TGD from the aforesaid Participant at any time. Failure to provide such proof, if requested, shall disqualify the aforesaid Participant from the Campaign. 

Campaign Prizes  

3.1 The Grand Prizes for the Campaign are as follows: 

(a) Sony PlayStation 5 Digital Edition

(b) Dyson V8 Slim Fluffy 

(c) SMEG Espresso Coffee Machine, 50’s Retro Style Aesthetic

(d) Staycation Package (2D1N stay in Shangri-La Singapore and a 2D1N stay in boutique XY Hotel Bugis - only valid for winners based in Singapore)

3.2 The Weekly Prizes for the Campaign are as follows: 

(a) 10 promo codes (each worth SGD 25) will be awarded weekly within the duration of the Campaign. These promo codes are only valid for purchases made on,

(b) Promo codes are valid for single use. 

(c) Promo codes issued are valid for only 30 days from the date it was awarded.

(d) All purchases are subject to stock availability during the time of purchase.

3.3 All prizes awarded under the Campaign are non-transferrable. TGD shall have the right at its sole and absolute discretion, and without prior notice to replace, change or substitute any prizes(s) with one of similar value. Participants shall not exchange the prize for cash or other goods and services.

3.4 Winning Participants are required to produce a valid shipping address, legal full name and contact number for prize fulfilment purposes. 

3.5 In consideration of TGD providing the prizes under the Campaign, the Participants acknowledge and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions imposed by TGD as well as by any third parties governing the use of the prizes. 

3.6 Any request for the extension of the validity period of the vouchers or exchange of the prizes shall not be entertained. 

3.7 TGD maintains the right at its sole and absolute discretion to effect forfeitures of any prizes due to the disqualification of any winning Participants from the Campaign. 

3.8 Upon the issuance of the prizes to a winning Participant, neither TGD nor their employees, directors, officers, agents or assignee shall be responsible or liable in any way to any person for any prizes that are tampered, damaged, or not working properly, and in respect of the vouchers, that are duplicated, illegible, incomplete, mutilated, tampered, damaged, corrupted, expired or misdirected. All prizes which remain unclaimed within two (2) months from the announcement of winners, for any reason whatsoever, may be donated to a charity chosen at the sole discretion of TGD and no resulting claims whatsoever (whether for the prize, payment or compensation) shall be entertained. 

3.9 TGD shall not at any time or in any circumstances be responsible or held liable for: 

  1. a) any non-acceptance, non-performance or the actions of any third party in respect of any prize; or b) the quality of the prizes 

Conduct of the Campaign 

4.1 All Weekly and Grand Prize winners of the Campaign will be decided solely by TGD. Selection will be randomised. 

4.2 All Weekly and Grand Prize winners of the Campaign shall be notified by an email to the Participant’s email account within 3 weeks after the Campaign ends. There will also be an announcement post on TGD's Singapore Facebook page ( 

4.3 All winners must respond to our official email within 14 days from notification. If no response is received, they will be replaced with other Participants selected from the reserve list. 

4.4 TGD has the right to reject or remove entries, disqualify a winner and forfeit any prize if: 

  1. a) TGD, in its sole discretion, decides that the entry does not fulfill the requirement of the Campaign; b) TGD is unable to contact the winner; c) The winner does not respond to TGD or notifies TGD that he does not wish to claim the prize; d) The winner does not agree to abide by and be bound by these T&Cs; e) The winner has committed any act of fraud or dishonesty or has misrepresented anything in connection with the Campaign; f) The winner dies or becomes mentally incapable. If a winner is disqualified, TGD may in its discretion pick another winner to replace the disqualified prize winner or donate the prize in question. 

Fulfilment of Prizes 

5.1 All prize winners must respond within 14 days from notification. If no response is received, they will be replaced with other participants selected from the reserve list. 

5.2 All prizes will be couriered by TGD to the Participants address provided within 3 weeks from the date of the Participants email response to TGD’s notification email.

5.3 Participants acknowledge that prize 3.1(a) will only be fulfilled within three months of the release date and it or as and when it is available for purchase. 

5.4 TGD reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to exchange any prizes for other prizes of equivalent market value.

Entering into the Campaign 

6.1 To enter into the Campaign, Participant(s) shall: 

participate in the voting campaign and enter all relevant information required. 

6.2 TGD will randomly select the entries from the pool of qualified submissions.

6.3 Participants hereby agree that, as TGD now owns all the rights in relation to the information submitted, TGD at its sole discretion, may exercise at any time, the right to use, the Participants information, for advertising and promotional purposes, including but not limited to that of the campaign's, in any manner that TGD deems appropriate. 

Limitation of Liability 

7.1 All Participants in the Campaign agree that neither TGD nor their affiliates, employees, directors, officers, agents and/ or assignees shall be liable in any way for, and shall be indemnified, released, discharged and held harmless, fully and effectively, by each Participant against and from any and all claims by any Participant or third party for: 

  1. a) slander, libel, defamation, violation of rights of privacy, publicity, personality, and/or civil rights, 

depiction in a false light, intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress, copyright infringement, and/or any other tort and damages arising from or in any way relating to their participation in the Campaign; b) all injuries, losses or damages to property or person of any kind, including death, claims, actions, proceedings and other liability arising out of or caused in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of the prizes or participation in the campaign; c) for any lost, late, mechanically duplicated, illegible, incomplete, mutilated, tampered, damaged, corrupted or misdirected entries; d) for entries not received in time, or any entries received after the Campaign Period as a consequence of 

any delay, interruption or failure in the submission of entries to TGD for whatever reason or any combination thereof which may prevent or limit a Participant’s ability to participate in the Campaign; and e) for any losses, costs, expenses, fees or damages incurred by the Participants arising out of or in connection with the Campaign or any activity related thereto, including without limitation, any breakdown or malfunction of any computer system or equipment. 

General Terms and Conditions 

8.1 TGD reserves the right at its sole discretion, to suspend, postpone or terminate the campaign, shorten or extend the duration of the Campaign Period and/or amend, modify, delete, replace or revise the T&C, without any prior notification to any person, including but not limited to any participant, and without incurring any liability to any party whatsoever upon the occurrence of any event or circumstance including, without any limitation, acts of God, natural disasters or catastrophes, riots or wars (whether declared or not), terrorist activities, epidemics, health threats, quarantine requirements, change or issuance of new applicable laws. 

8.2 In all circumstances, TGD's decisions shall be final, binding, and conclusive on all matters relating to the Campaign, and no further correspondence shall be entertained. Participants agree and undertake to be bound by the aforesaid decisions. 

8.3 TGD shall have the right to disclose and publish the name and any other particulars of all or any winners for publicity purposes and each Participant who is a winner shall consent, co-operate and participate fully in the activities organised by TGD for these purposes, without any payment, fee or compensation whatsoever. 

8.4 The Campaign shall in all aspects, be governed by the laws of Singapore. These terms and conditions are not intended to confer rights on any third party, whether pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap 53B) or otherwise, and no third party shall have any right to enforce any provision of these T&C . 

8.5 If any term or provision of the T&Cs is held to be illegal or unenforceable, such term or provision shall be deemed to be deleted from the T&Cs and the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the T&Cs shall remain in full force and effect. TGD’s failure to enforce at any time the provisions of the T&Cs or any rights in respect thereto shall in no way be considered to be a waiver of such provisions, rights, or elections or in any way affect the validity of the T&Cs. 

8.6 In the event of any inconsistency between these T&Cs and any brochure, marketing, or promotional material relating to the Campaign, these T&Cs will prevail. 

8.7 The terms and conditionals and it’s amendments(if any) will be displayed on